Mya Patel-VathvaliUnited Kingdom | Virtual videos (were most useful)– a broad range of resources available from many different aspects of medical humanities. Very interesting and innovated project. Website design is very well thought and put together. |
Rania KalogeridouGreece | Digital museum is a very useful collection of objects, easy to track and choose for a lecture with a relevant subject. Information provided is adequate and clean. Educational material is well prepared and adequately supported. It can help the lecturer by offering a full teaching package for a particular unit, by introducing and re-enforcing common teaching and evaluation practices and by providing a communication platform for all lecturers to contribute with their ideas. Video library is an interesting data bank with two basic advantages: the opportunity to listen to real time brief interviews given by specialists in their fields and the usability of short oral texts which can be easily integrated in the everyday teaching reality, transforming a normally one-person lecture to a multi-faceted educational event. |
Chrysanthi SardeliGreece | I am delighted to say that I find all deliverables (training package, digital museum, video library) as well as the webpage of the project to be of excellent quality, innovative and highly usable and the content and materials I examined with great interest are relevant, consistent and transferable. I am confident that the project and its results will be of value to both society and academia, increasing our knowledge and expertise on how to better teach medical history using new educational approaches, encouraging object-based learning, and better integrating historical, ethical and psychosocial components of medical humanities in pre-graduate medical education. |
Markos SgantzosGreece | In general the results of this project may be used by all professors teaching history of medicine in Schools of medicine, in Greece. The Training package contains everything needed for the presentation of a course, while the digital museum offers ready-to-use objects and images that we all search for when we are preparing our course. Finally, the videos offer answers provided by specialists, to questions that we often face during our courses. |
Lena ArabatzidouGreece | Interactive, innovative presentation of Medical Humanities which interrelates effectively and dovetails nicely with the overall concept and process of the Alcmaeon Project. Fully integrated in the structure and scope of the Project this concise, firmly organized, easy access and transferability material adds special focus to historical perspective and brings to light new evidence that vividly attracts student's interest. Thus providing new attractive contents that address and inform new aspects both in research and educational matters strongly consistent to the subject and objectives of the Project this highly specialized work (training package, digital museum, video library) forms a vital part that enriches the prospect of the Project. |
Christina PapageorgopoulouGreece | The project offers multiple tools to be used in the teaching of medical humanities such as objects from museums, interviews from academics and students in the field of medicine, educational material e.g. literature, texts, documentaries. Τhe idea is innovative and offers alternative mediums for teaching but also a platform that can be used for e-learning. The material is relevant and consistent throughout the media. The content follows a holistic approach starting from prehistoric periods, classical antiquity, Anatomy starting in Renaissance, Byzantine, Arabic and European Medicine. But also includes alternative forms of shamanic medicine and alchemy. It also includes special themes linked to societal and political aspects of medicine. Overall, the project leverages existing knowledge and material from the medical humanities by collecting and synthesizing this in transferable and consistent way. |
Costas TsiamisGreece | Please accept my congratulations on your project. The website is beautifully designed and very informative. I’m really impressed by the innovativeness and the usability of the digital material. I think that it would be great to use the educational material and the video library as an alternative learning approach. Your efforts for a multidisciplinary training package, as a result of the teaching experience of different universities around Europe, are well structured. The package it would be very useful for the lecturers of medical history and medical humanities. Finally, I think that we must take into consideration the answers of the questionnaires as a guide of the students’ aspect on learning procedures. |
Emanuele ValentiUnited Kingdom | Very useful project which help lecturer and students to teach and learn. |
Andreea IonelRomania | Very good project idea with a very much in need results. |
Irina CroitoruRomania | Innovative and it raises the interest of the students in the field of history of medicine. |
Jonathan IvesUnited Kingdom | An awful lot has been achieved by this project. It has been tremendously productive. |
Maria CaporaleItaly | This project gave the possibility to exchange interesting contents within different teams |
Jordan A. ParsonsUnited Kingdom | Whilst I think all are interesting and useful, the training package will be most useful to me. As a student, it will be a useful place for me to begin research when I have a need to look into and write about relevant material. I am not familiar with any similar project that has brought together all these different elements in one place, so that is certainly a significant strength. It is also presented in an engaging way, so I am likely to make use of content in areas unrelated to my research just out of interest. I would also say that some of the resources being available in several languages is a huge strength and something that is often missed in educational projects. I think, overall, that the ALCMAEON project has provided an interesting, engaging, and useful resource that will benefit a range of individuals. |
Undergraduate medical studentUnited Kingdom | The video library is an excellent way for a novice to medical history (such as myself) is able to access a snapshot of a variety of subjects in this area without prior knowledge. The multi-language format. A vast proportion of academia is written in English, I found it refreshing to access education in another language. It would be lovely to see this for other sectors of the sciences, how about one on space exploration? |
Undergraduate medical studentUnited Kingdom | I really enjoyed the digital library section. I liked how you can see the evolution of medicine and the interface was easy to use. I also like that you can zoom into the pictures and the mixture of video and image is really nice. In a world where it has become often difficult to visit a museum, it is great that you can find multiple different images and sources from a range of different institutions while at your desktop. Although I still believe we do need museums as it is always great to see the real object, I feel that this is a great alternative especially during COVID. This allows researchers and authors to continue their work as they are still able to browse multiple sources at one. Keep up the great work. |
Harleen JohalUnited Kingdom | The video library (is the most useful), as it contextualises the other learning resources and emphasizes the link between medical history and modern clinical practice. It takes a novel approach to teaching medical history, utilizing multimedia formats to relay a significant volume of information in an accessible and digestible way. |
Undergraduate medical studentUnited Kingdom | The training package (is most useful). I think it is a very well developed tool that can be easily adapted when teaching medical humanities. It is a very comprehensive resource that touches upon key topics in medical history by including content spanning a range of historical periods. It is also great to have all those teaching materials freely available online for anyone who wants to engage with them. |
Undergraduate medical studentUnited Kingdom | I particularly liked the digital museum. I loved how it displayed items that have deep historical relevance, such as the early surgical procedures to remove hematomas from under the skull, and those which have just come into existence, such as the insulin pump. I like this as history is ever-moving, and it’s wonderful to see the evolution of healthcare over the passage of time. It’s Open Access, therefore removes barriers and reduces the inequality of access to historical knowledge about healthcare. Thank you for this work, it has been fascinating to browse through |
Katie StubbsUnited Kingdom | The training package in medical history for medical humanities lecturers (is most useful), as the resources are easy to use, interesting and go into great depth. As a student I also feel that these would be most easy to use to revise/learn from. The training package in medical history for medical humanities lecturers, as the resources are easy to use, interesting and go into great depth. As a student I also feel that these would be most easy to use to revise/learn from. |
Undergraduate medical studentUnited Kingdom | Virtual video library (is useful)- gives me useful information which I can gain necessary knowledge from. Collection for digital museum (is useful) - easy access for learning. Enables fair access to all for the different subjects. The layout is clean and covers a good range of topics. |
Undergraduate medical studentUnited Kingdom | The Training package was very helpful as a resource to find some interesting information for lectures. Having the available video library was excellent. |
Max GriffithsUnited Kingdom | The most useful source for me is the collection for digital medical musem. The interactive map and stories behind the historical objects and documents build a picture of medicine through time, and inform me about important historical artefacts. This is of historical interest and very useful indeed. I would say that the most interesting aspects and strengths of the ALCMAEON project is the breadth and depth of the content – content ranging from pre-history to contemporary medicine. In addition, the layout and user interface and user experience is good, and is user-centred in its approach. The ALCMAEON project delivers very good content in a clear straightforward manner. I would recommend people use this resource. |
This project (2018-1-ES01-KA203-050606) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.