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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Alexandru Tzaicu - The first surgeon to self-operate in an inguinal hernia

Place where the object is located
The Museum of Anatomy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Gr. T. Popa”, Iași
Story of the object
Alexandru Tzaicu (22 April 1883 – 7 February 1958)
This operation is considered the first self-operation of the inguinal hernia. It was described in detail in the French press as La Presse Médicale, but excerpts have been extracted that appeared in Raymond Nogué's volume on anesthesia (published in 1911 in Paris), but also in his work of Thoma Ionescu Rahianestezia general, published in Paris in 1919.

Other information about the inguinal hernia in the world you may find:
Unit of the Educational Material connected (4 - 1)
The photo was taken during the self-operation in 1909, which Alexandru Tzaicu took, assisted by Ernest Juvara, a Romanian doctor, educated in Paris (1888-1895), an innovator in surgical and instrumental technique. The operation was performed in a sitting position. The operation was attended by Professor Ernest Juvara, professor of surgical anatomy at the Faculty of Medicine in Iasi, as well as photographers, who reported on the operation in the press.