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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Eugen Rizu, pharmacologist (embezzlement - suicide)

Place where the object is located
The Museum of History of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Gr. T. Popa”, Iași
Story of the object
Returning to the country after having graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Paris, Eugen Rizu (1850–1892), the son of Grigore Rizu, takes an exam in Bucharest in 1886, and is appointed temporary professor; in the academic year 1889-1890, he became a professor of therapeutics at the Faculty of Medicine in Iaşi. From the beginning, he argued that the name of the department should be similar to those in the West.
During his tenure at the department, he managed to develop and create an important base for the pharmacology laboratory, which had become one of the most important in the Iași faculty. He was Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in Iaşi (1889–1892), which contributed to the increase of the material base of the department, and the important leap he made in terms of facilities disturbed his colleagues, who protested, going so far as to accuse him of preferential allocation of funds to his laboratory.
Eugen Rizu managed a conflict that occurred in 1890 between the director of the “St. Spiridon” Hospital and the professors of the surgery and obstetrics clinics, the first requesting the evacuation of the clinics from the hospital. The Dean addressed the Ministry of Instruction, with the proposal to move the Faculty of Medicine to the palace bought from the descendants of Prince Mihail Sturdza (a building behind the Metropolitan Cathedral), where the university clinics will also operate. However, it was decided to move the clinics to the Başotă houses (Sărăriei street), and Eugen Rizu contributed, once again, to their endowment. Following this misunderstanding, Rizu decides to adopt a regulation for the functioning of the clinics, which specifies the relations between the "St. Spiridon” Hospital and the professors of the Faculty of Medicine.
Along with Professor Vasile Bejan, Eugen Rizu participated in the editing of the magazine "Gazeta Medicală din Iaşi", whose editorial committee also included G. Botez, G. Socor and E. Riegler.
E. Rizu initiated, together with several colleagues, the publication of a bulletin of the Society of Physicians and Naturalists of Iasi.
He was also a doctor of the "Repedea" Baths; he headed the scientific section of the Literary and Scientific Society of Iaşi, which, in 1889, edited the magazine Arhiva; in 1887, he organized a medical congress in Iasi, being the secretary of this event.
Nicolae Leon reveals the end of Eugen Rizu's life: “He was a professor and director of the pharmacology laboratory; Tangled with the faculty money, he took a 250-gram bottle of laudanum from the lab, drank it, and went to bed to sleep forever. The next morning, when we found out and went to see him (his laboratory was in the Negruzzi houses on Muzelor Street), we found him drowsy. With all the care he was given, he lived only an hour. At that time he was married to a niece of Lascăr Catargiu. He gave himself the ultimate punishment for his mistake. "

portrait of Eugen Rizu, pharmacologist