This project (2018-1-ES01-KA203-050606) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Latest News

End of the Alcmaeon project

Today id the last day of the Alcmaeon project! 

All the partners are happy with the final prodcuts developed and will commit to keep the project alive by using the material in the courses while sharing the resutls with their network. 

It's been a great experience!



Event in Romania

The Multiplier Event gathered 44 participants in totally participants from them 42 being outside the ALCMAEON project partnership.

The aim of the event, concerning the involvement of target group, was to bring together staff members from the academic sector, universities, press, research institutes to share their experiences in teaching history of medicine and to transfer to those interested in this field.

All the participants are working in the education and medical sector and their registrations for participation in the ALCMAEON Multiplier event, have been accepted based on their interest in increasing their knowledge and competences in developing innovative methods in teaching history of medicine. In this context, the ALCMAEON project has been presented as an example.


Final Partners' Meeting

The online meeting took place on 16 September 2021. Emanuele Valenti and Andrea Anzanello presented the project activities carried out so far and the last ones that have to be concluded before the end of the project. At the end of the meeting all the partners had a clear view of the last deliverables that will be carried out to wrap up the project.



More testimonials

“Virtual videos (were most useful)– a broad range of resources available from many different aspects of medical humanities. Very interesting and innovated project. Website design is very well thought and put together.”

Elizabeth King

Mya Patel-Vathvali

United Kingdom

“Digital museum is a very useful collection of objects, easy to track and choose for a lecture with a relevant subject. Information provided is adequate and clean. Educational material is well prepared and adequately supported. It can help the lecturer by offering a full teaching package for a particular unit, by introducing and re-enforcing common teaching and evaluation practices and by providing a communication platform for all lecturers to contribute with their ideas. Video library is an interesting data bank with two basic advantages: the opportunity to listen to real time brief interviews given by specialists in their fields and the usability of short oral texts which can be easily integrated in the everyday teaching reality, transforming a normally one-person lecture to a multi-faceted educational event.”

Gabriel Watson

Rania Kalogeridou


“I am delighted to say that I find all deliverables (training package, digital museum, video library) as well as the webpage of the project to be of excellent quality, innovative and highly usable and the content and materials I examined with great interest are relevant, consistent and transferable. I am confident that the project and its results will be of value to both society and academia, increasing our knowledge and expertise on how to better teach medical history using new educational approaches, encouraging object-based learning, and better integrating historical, ethical and psychosocial components of medical humanities in pre-graduate medical education.”

Amanda James

Chrysanthi Sardeli
