This project (2018-1-ES01-KA203-050606) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Living Wills

This video shows Professor Richard Huxtable (Professor of Medical Ethics and Law, and Director of the Centre for Ethics in Medicine, University of Bristol) being interviewed by Mainga Bhima (a Medical Student at the University of Bristol). The object under discussion is a 'Living Will' - a document used to record the wishes of a competent person about how they want to be looked after in the future if they lose the ability to make decisions for themselves.

This object links with Unit 10 ('From the Asylum to Care in the Community: from Paternalism to Autonomous Decision Making') and is an example of an object created to attempt to mitigate the need for paternalism by ensuring a person's autonomous wishes are known.
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