This project (2018-1-ES01-KA203-050606) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Work in progress

This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.

Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.

Partners' Institution:
Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Project's period (from/to):
01 October 2018 - 30 September 2021

Activity concerned:
IO1 - Training Package in Medical History for Medical Humanities Lecturers

Objectives of activities carried out:
This step of the project has been related to the activities of coordination and implementation related to the development of the IO1
We contributed with #pixel in the design of the template to perform researches related to the development of the IO1
• We collected all the information related to the teaching of medical humanities courses in all the medical schools of the country.
• We prepared a report about the status of teaching medical humanities in Spain
We framed to teaching activities in two different research activities:
• A focus group study to perform a stakeholders consultation of the educational activities related to the teaching of medical humanities in all the Spanish medical schools
• We designed a questionnaire for medical students in order to explore their feedback about the stakeholders view collected in the qualitative research
• We developed the educational material related to the teaching of medical history in the Middle Age: Byzantine Medicine and Arabic Medicine
• We designed an assessment toolkit constituted by two different evaluation perspectives:
• Formative: 5 open-ended questions to evaluate students competences in medical humanities
• Summative: 30 multiple choice questions

We developed the educational material related to the teaching of medical history in the Middle Age: The translations school form Gondishapur to Toledo
• We designed an assessment toolkit constituted by two different evaluation perspectives:
• Formative: 5 open-ended questions to evaluate students competences in medical humanities
• Summative: 30 multiple choice questions

Description of activities carried out:
UCM in cooperation with Pixel defined the timing of research activities in order to assign partners’ responsibilities, define and update deadlines, assess and edit material.
UCM contributed with Pixel to the design of the templates related to the IO1 activities’
IO1. Mapping curricula
We explored the websites of the all the medical Schools in Spain in order to explore the medical humanities courses syllabus and teaching methodologies applied. When the information wasn’t available, we contacted by email lecturers having in charge the teaching activities related to medical humanities and we asked them to clarify the aspects of interests for the project. For each University identified we filled a form providing all the information required
IO1. literature Review
We searched with a systematic approach all the literature related to the teaching of medical humanities in the traditional database: PubMed Project Muse and Web of Science. Searching strategy has been focussed on the following keywords: medical humanities OR medical history OR sociology of medicine OR anthropology of medicine OR medical ethics OR communication skills AND teaching OR learning OR “teaching methodology*”. We selected all the abstracts available in Spanish and we identified significant papers to explore how the teaching of medical humanities is performed in Spain and South American Spanish speaking countries
IO1. Focus Group study
UCM designed the topic guide to perform the focus group study with all the aspects related to the procedure.
We sent an email to inform about the project to all the lecturers involved in the teaching activities related to medical humanities involved in the working group on medical humanities of the Instituto de Ética Clínica Francisco Valles. We offered to participate in the focus group, and we assigned a specific timing. A brochure has been designed and sent to the participant with all the information related to the project. The discussion has been recorded and transcribed on the specific template an uploaded on the website project
IO1. Educational material development
Contents of the educational material has been discussed and selected in order to provide specific arguments to link the educational material with the digital museum
2 power points have been prepared to illustrate the contents assigned to the UCM, one related to the byzantine Medicine and other related to Arabic Medicine and translations School, material has been designed based on literature available on the subject and lecturers expertise involved in the project.
3 open-ended questions and 5 multiple-choice questions related to the power point have been designed and associated to the contents illustrated in the power points.
20 dissemination activities have been organized to promote and disseminate the project contents in different contexts
Coordination activities required weekly email exchanges and and skype meetings with the partners in order to harmonize the educational material

Results Achieved:
The activity has been carried out conforming to the updated time line

Litterature review

Design of Unit 1 and Unit 2

Project managment acitivities

Review of the other Unites produced by the partners

Preparation of Ppt for yhe interntional meeting