This project (2018-1-ES01-KA203-050606) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Amazon jungle
Story of the object
Ayahuasca: Aya means “dead person, spirit, soul or ancestor" and huasca means “chord or rope" in quecha language .
This psychotropic plant was used by Shamans in pre-Columbian medicine and continues to be used as such. Ayahuasca is a mixture of native plants most used by healers and native shamans in pre-Columbian medicine.
The most common preparation is as a beverage. Medicinal and religious use of ayahuasca was widespread among hundreds of indigenous groups of South America.
Peruvian shamans use the Ayahuasca plant to determine the causes and cures of Diseases.
The widespread use of ayahuasca is due to its effects that can be related to some special properties thanks to two plants: the Banisteriopsis vine, which provides an MAO inhibitor that allows the main active ingredient, N, N-dimethyltryptamine), comes from other plants (usually Psychotria viridis or Diplopterys cabrerana) to be active orally (1)
Unit of the Educational Material connected (1 - 2)
Shaman healers used Ayahuasca in pre-Columbian medicine, to heal “diseases from the mind and thoughts”. Nowadays, several studies are trying to verify its therapeutic properties:
Various studies have tried to determine the therapeutic effect of ayahuasca over psychological processes. (2,3,4)
To prepare Ayahuasca, the following ingredients must boil:
The most common preparation is as a beverage (2). To prepare Ayahuasca, the following ingredients must boil:
Banisteriopsis caapi stems: containing B-carbolines, such as harmina, tetrahydroharmina (THH) and harmaline, with inhibitory properties for monoaminooxidase (antidepressants) (2,3)
Psychotria viridis bush leaves: containing tryptamine N, N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) “agonist of the receptor sites of 5-HT-2A and sigma-1, which is also associated to antidepressant, anxiolytic and psychoactive effects” (2)
Diplopterys cabrerana leaves: containing tryptamine N, N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) “agonist of the receptor sites of 5-HT-2A and sigma-1, which is also associated to antidepressant, anxiolytic and psychoactive effects” (4)

1. Winkelman, M. J. Therapeutic Applications of Ayahuasca and Other Sacred Medicines. The Therapeutic Use of Ayahuasca, 2013. 1–21. Doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-40426-9_1
2. González, Débora, et al. Therapeutic potential of ayahuasca in grief: a prospective, observational study. Psychopharmacology, 2020, p. 1-12.
3. Escobar Cornejo Guillermo Saúl, Ramos 3. Vargas Luis Fernando. La ayahuasca bajo los ojos del mundo. Rev Med Hered
4. Domínguez-Clavé E, Soler J, Elices M et al (2016) Ayahuasca: pharmacology, neuroscience and therapeutic potential. Brain Res Bull 126:89–101.