This project (2018-1-ES01-KA203-050606) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Educational Material

Unit 6 - The Translations Movement in the Medieval Europe: From Gondishapur to Toledo

Universidad Complutense de Madrid (ES)

1.2 Learning Objectives
The unit has the main objective to show to the student the process of synthesis between the different medical traditions of medicine. This process of synthesis is required to pass from the Ancient to Modern medicine and the medicine of the Middle Age is a very clear example of how this happened. The role of the method is key, we explored the commonalities between three of the most important medical Schools and we identified permanent elements, which are a character of the educational approach. The role of clinical observation, the role of medical knowledge and its codification in the books, the need to provide books with a structure that consent to manage clinical data, clinical cases, descriptive nosography. The synopsis and compound of Alexandrian School are essential to the Encyclopaedia and the handbooks of Arabic medicine and are enriched to the role of clinical observation assigned by Arab doctors.

The unit depicted how from the Alexandrian School it is possible identify a methodological continuity whose better synthesis will be the Scholasticism. The unit pretend to associate to the methodological solution and the innovative approaches of medical education. There are historical, political and social factors, which influence consistently the progress of medicine and frequently are a combination of a plurality of factors, which consent a genuine progress.

The impact of the monotheisms on medicine is inauspicious but is a regression, which will consent major progress. The unit highlights the political and social factors who contributed to the building of the Schools, institutions created to protect medical knowledge and assure continuity to the professional work. Finally the unit offers to the student the opportunity to understand the role of medical humanities in the scientific progress and especially in the development of medicine.

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